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20172018 学年度第二学期期末综合素质测试试题 八年级英语 第卷 选择题(共 60 分) 听力部分(20 分) I.听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )1. A. Yes, she did. B. To the mountains C. She bought nothing ( )2. A. I agree B. Two weeks C. Moon Cinema ( )3. A. I like to exercise. B. Yes, I do. C. Twice a day. ( )4.A. I go to the movies. B. I like it very much. C. Yes, I am. ( )5. A. Theyre relaxing. B. Its about a movie star. C. I love watching them. .听短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) ( )6. What was the matter with David last night? A. He had a headache. B. He had a toothache. C. He had a backache. ( )7. What time is it now? A.6:00. B.6:55 C.7:55 ( )8. What does the boy want to do? A. See a film. B. See a doctor. C. Have a rest at home ( )9. What is Tom going to do this Sunday? A. Go fishing. B. Go hiking. C. Go shopping. ( )10. Where is Kates mother? A. At home. B. In the hospital. C. In a shop. .听两段较长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) 听第一段对话,回答第听第一段对话,回答第 11、12 题。题。 ( )11. Where does David live? A. In the north of the city. B. In the west of the city C. In the south of the city ( )12. Who lives the farthest from the school? A. David. B. Alice. C. Peter. 听第二段对话,回答第听第二段对话,回答第 13-15 题题. ( )13. What does Bob think of sports shows? A. Boring. B. Terrible. C. Exciting. ( )14. What program does Lucy like? A. News. B. Sports shows. C. Soap operas. ( )15. How often does Anna watch soap operas? A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week. .听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )16. Where do Kate and Sandy live? A. In the countryside. B. In the city. C. In the town. ( )17. How old is Sandy ? A. Eleven. B. Thirteen. C. Fifteen. ( )18. What does Kate like ?来源来源:学科网学科网 A. The beautiful school. B. The big supermarket. C. The lights at night. ( )19. Who does Sandy often visit? A. Her uncle. B. Her grandma. C. Her cousin. ( )20. What does Sandy think of taking a walk? A. Relaxing. B. Boring. C. Tiring. 笔试部分 V.完形填空(共 20 小题,每个 1 分,计 20 分) 第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从 各小题选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。各小题选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 Jerrys birthday was coming. His sister Emma wanted to give him a gift 21 his birthday, but she wanted it to be a surprise, so she must 22 everything a secret(秘密秘密). But she had a problem. How could she find out 23 to buy for him ? For a whole week. Emma listened carefully to anything that her brother said. 24 Jerry didnt talked about what he wanted or needed! Emma thought, Jerrys birthday is tomorrow. I need to find a good way!” Emma asked her cousin Mary to call Jerry and ask 25 what birthday gift he wanted. Emma listened carefully from the other 26 .Finally, she heard what he wanted- a pair of sneakers(运动鞋运动鞋)! Emma ran to a shop and bought a pair of sneakers. The next 27 Jerry opened Emmas gift box at the birthday party. Oh, its a. pair of sneakers. What a lovely . surprise! he said. Emma noticed that something was 28 .“What s the matter? Dont you need a pair of sneakers? she asked. “ Hmm.”Jerry 29 a look at each shoe. Well, didnt you tell Mary that you wanted a pair of sneakers?” Emma asked him. “ A pair of sneakers?” Jerry started to 30 .“Ha!Ha! I said I wanted a pair of speakers(扬声器扬声器)!” ( )21. A. to B. of C. for D. with ( )22. A. keep B. hit C. cheat D. lead ( )23. A. where B. what C. who D. why ( )24. A. Since B. Because C. Unless D. However ( )25. A. her B. you C. him D. them ( )26. A. room B. shop C. house D. school ( )27. A. month B. week C. day D. hour ( )28. A. special B. wrong C. unfair D. usual ( )29. A. pushed B. threw C. wanted D. took ( )30. A. cry B. laugh C. accept D. refuse. 第二节:阅读下面短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个第二节:阅读下面短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个 最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 Have you ever watched the Chinese Poetry Conference(中国诗词大会中国诗词大会)? It was a popular TV show during the Spring Festival in 2017. It 31 people of many ancient Chinese poems. The TV show helps people find the 32 of Chinese poetry. After watching the show, a lot of people said, How beautiful Chinese poetry is! It also 33 an excellent girl to us- Wu Yishu. Wu is a 16- year-old student from Shanghai. She 34 other competitors (参赛者参赛者) in the Chinese Poetry Conference on February 7, 2017. We are not surprised at her 35 ,” one of Wu s teachers said.“ She really loves Chinese poetry. Wu fell in love 36 ancient poetry when she was a little girl. She would feel excited 37 she read it. She said, Chinese poetry gives me different feelings. I dont 38 about the result of the competition. I just love poetry. It brings me joy and fun.” Its said that Wu has 39 remembered at least 2,000 poems by now. How amazing ! Wu s great performance(表表现现) in the show helped her win lots of 40 . Are you one of them? ( )31. A. reminds B. repairs. C. returns. D. records ( )32. A. difficulty. B. beauty C. silence. D. stress来源来源:学学&科科&网网 ( )33. A. changes. B. marks. C. protects. D. introduces. ( )34. A. cheated. B. achieved. C. beat. D. included. ( )35. A. success. B. research. C. report. D. technology. ( )36. A. over. B. into . C. at D. with ( )37. A. as soon as B. even though. C. as far as D. at first ( )38. A. control. B. notice. C. care. D. understand ( )39. A. only. B. already. C. yet. D. ever ( )40. A. challenges. B. pressure. C. fans. D. gold. VI.阅读理解(10 小题,每个 2 分,计 20 分) 第一节:阅读下面一篇材料,判断下列句子是否符合材料内容,符合的用第一节:阅读下面一篇材料,判断下列句子是否符合材料内容,符合的用 “A”表示,不符合的用表示,不符合的用“B”表示。表示。 Dear Li Lei, Thanks for telling me so much about the places of interest in Beijing. In the email, you asked me about the Great Slave Lake in my home country. Now, let me tell you something about it. The Great Slave Lake is the second largest lake in Canada(after the Great Bear Lake).It covers an area of 27, 200 square kilometers. As the tenth largest lake in the world, the Great Slave Lake is 469 kilometers long and 20 to 203 kilometers wide. My parents and my sister Amanda paid a visit to the lake on August 8th last year. I didnt go with them because I had to prepare for an important history test at home. I m very excited to hear that you are going to take a trip to Canada this October. What about going to visit the lake together? Im looking forward to your reply. Yours, Joseph ( )41. Joseph comes from Canada ( )42. The Great Slave Lake is 469 kilometers long ( )43. The Great Bear Lake is smaller than the Great Slave Lake ( )44.There are five people in Josephs family. ( )45. Li Lei is going to take a trip to Canada this October. 第二节:阅读下面内容,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题第二节:阅读下面内容,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题 或完成所给句子的最佳答案。或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 B来源来源:Z.xx.k.Com Some students in India can go to school even if their parents cant pay the school fees(费用费用). A primary school in the east of India asks the parents to plant trees instead of paying the fees. They have to take care of the trees. If a tree dies, the parents should plant a new one. The plan was brought up by some businessmen. They think the school fees have been increasing these years. “In our country, the fees have grown three times since 2008,” a reporter said. “The government spends only 3.9 percent of its budget (预算预算) on education. So parents not only have to pay the high school fees, but also have to pay for books and other school things.” The plan is very popular and over 700 trees were planted last year. Now the plan is only carried out(执行执行) in the primary school. But if it works successfully, it may be carried out in other schools in the country. ( )46. A primary school _______ of India asks the parents to plant trees instead of paying the fees. A. In the east B. in the west C. in the south D. in the north ( )47. What can the parents do if they cant pay the school fees? A. Plant trees and take good care of them B. Fight against the government C. Come up with a good idea for the school D. Work harder to make more money ( )48. The underlined word “increasing” means . A. coming from B. going down C. taking in D. going up ( )49. What cant we know about the primary school? A. It is in the east of India. B. Its fees are too much for some families. C. It asks all the students to plant trees D. It lets more poor students go to school. ( )50. Which of the following IS TRUE? A. All the families in India have difficulty in paying the school fees. B. The government spends most of its budget on education. C. More than 700 trees were planted last year. D. Other schools in India will carry out the plan in May. 20172018 学年度第二学期期末综合素质测试试题(卷) 八年级英语 类 型听力部分笔试部分总 分 题 号 IIIIIIIVVVIVIIIXXXI 得 分 阅卷人 第第 I 卷 选择题答题卡(共 60 分) 听力部分(20 分) 15 610 1115 1620 笔试部分 V完形填空(共 20 小题,每个 1 分,计 20 分) 2125 26 30 3135 3640 VI阅读理解(共 10 小题,每个 2 分,计 20 分) 4145 4650 第第 II II 卷 非选择题(共 40 分) VII.完成句子(共 5 小题,计 10 分) 51.据我所知,玛利亚是去年结婚的。据我所知,玛利亚是去年结婚的。 As far as I know. Maria _______ last year. 52.比尔一到家就把垃圾倒了比尔一到家就把垃圾倒了. Bill took out the rubbish_____ _______ ______he got home. 53.你应该多出门,而不是一直呆在家里。你应该多出门,而不是一直呆在家里。 You should go out more ____ _ ___ __ staying at home all the time. 54.我经过教室时,几个学生正在打扫卫生。我经过教室时,几个学生正在打扫卫生。 A ________of students were doing the cleaning when I passed by the classroom. 55.据汤姆说,布朗先生离开家乡已经三年了。据汤姆说,布朗先生离开家乡已经三年了。 ________ _ Tom, Mr. Brown has been away from his hometown for three years. VIII.短文填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。( (每个单词限用一每个单词限用一 次。每空只填一个单词。次。每空只填一个单词。) ) Do you know the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽小红帽)? Once(56)_____ ___ a time there was a little girl. She got a red riding hood from her grandmother. It(57)____ __ her so well that she would never wear any other riding hood. After that people always called her Little Red Riding hood”. One day, the sun was (58)__________ brightly. Her mother said to her, Dear, you are a(n)(59)___________ girl. Your grandmother is ill and becomes so (60)____________.Could you take some cakes to your grandmother?” The little girl was(61) to hear she could visit her grandmother and went away happily. On the way, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. And she told him what she was going to do. Then the wolf went to her grandmothers house and ate her. Then he put on her grandmothers clothes, lay in bed, and(62)____________ his big mouth, long (63)_____________ and big claws(爪子爪子). When little Red Riding Hood arrived, he ate her too. Then the(64) ____________ wolf went to bed. Later a hunter(猎人猎人) passed by and heard a little girls(65)__________, 来源:学|科| 网 Z|X|X|K来 源:Zxxk.Com fit , shine , weak, excite, stupid, hide, voice, tail, brave, upon “Help me! Im inside the wolfs stomach. ” The hunter found a pair of scissors(剪刀剪刀)and cut the wolfs stomach open. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother were saved. IX.任务型阅读(共 5 小题,计 5 分) We sleep every night. Our bodies and minds need sleep. They have a rest and work for us. Sleepwalking(梦游梦游) happens during the deep sleep. Not all sleepwalkers actually walk. Some sleepwalkers just sit up or stand in bed. Most sleepwalkers get up and walk around. Their eyes are open. But theyre asleep. Sleepwalkers dont remember their dreams in the morning. It is really fun. Scientists dont know why people sleepwalk. But they find who is more likely to sleepwalk-a person who is too tired or sick, not getting enough sleep, or stressed. Sleepwalking may last as short as 30 seconds or as long as 30 minutes. Sleep is important for us. Adults need to sleep for eight hours a night. Kids need to sleep for ten or eleven hours. Too little sleep also makes us get sick easily. 66. When does sleepwalking happen? It happens________________________________________________. 67. What do most sleepwalkers do? They get up and________________ and their eyes are_____________. 68. Who is more likely to sleepwalk? A person who is too tired or sick,___________________________ or stressed. 69. How long can sleepwalking last? It can last as short as__________________ _or as long as____________________. 70.What problem may too little sleep cause? It may make people_________________________________________. X.补全对话(共 5 小题:计 5 分) 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话 恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。 A: Have you ever been to Shanghai, Li Lin? B: Yes. I have been there twice. A:(71)___________________________________________ B: No I havent. I visited Shanghai in 2012 and 2015 But Shanghai Disneyland Park opened in 2016. How about you? Have you ever been there? A:(72)______________________________________Its really fantastic! I love it. B: I have been dreaming of going to Disneyland Park since I was a little girl. A: The summer vacation is coming. (73)__________________________________ B: Sounds nice! I have to say a theme park attracts(吸引吸引) young people like us very much. A: I agree with you. (74)__________________________________________ I hope I will have a tour in a Harry Porter theme park in China. B: I believe there will be such a theme park in China. A:(75)_________________________________________________________ B: But I prefer to have a Chinese kung fu theme park. You know, Im interested in Chinese kung fu. XI.书面表达(共 1 题,计 10 分) 假如你是王军,请根据以下信息,写一篇短文介绍你和朋友们的五一假期假如你是王军,请根据以下信息,写一篇短文介绍你和朋友们的五一假期 (the May Day Holiday)经历及收获。要求经历及收获。要求 70 词左右。词左右。 namesWhat they didWhat they have learned Li gangVolunteer at the old peoples houseHow to look after old people Sun MingTravel to Xian Learn about ancient Chinese culture Wang JunLearn to play football How to work with others better _ I hope so. Im a fan of Harry potter. I think Chinese kung fu is exciting. Yes. Ive been there once. It is the second Disneyland Park in China. Have you visited Shanghai Disneyland Park yet? Lets go to Shanghai Disneyland Park this summer together.八年级英语参考答案 听力部分(听力部分(20 个,每个个,每个 1 分,分,20 分)分) 1-5 BACAA 6-10 BBCAB 11-15 ACCAA 16-20 BACBA 笔试部分笔试部分 V.完形填空(完形填空( 20 个,每个个,每个 1 分,分,20 分分 ) 21-25 CABDC 26-30 ACBDB 31-35 ABDCA 36-40 DACBC VI.阅读理解(阅读理解(10 个,每个个,每个 2 分,分,20 分分 ) 41-45 AABBA 46-50 AADCC VII.完成句子(完成句子(5 个,每个个,每个 2 分,分,10 分)分) 51. got married 52. as soon as 53. instead of 54. couple /few 55. According to VIII.短文填空(短文填空(10 个,每个个,每个 1 分,分,10 分)分)来源来源:学学|科科|网网 Z|X|X|K 56.upon 57. fitted 58. shining 59. brave 60. weak 61.excited 62. hid 63. tail 64. stupid 65. voice IX.任务型阅读(任务型阅读(5 个,每个个,每个 1 分,分,5 分分 ) 66. during the deep sleep 67. walk around, open 68. not getting enough sleep 69. 30 seconds; 30 minutes 70. get sick easily X.补全对话(补全对话(5 个,每个个,每个 1 分,分,5 分分 ) 71. Have you visited Shanghai Disneyland Park yet?来源来源:Zxxk.Com 72. Yes. Ive been there once. 73.Lets go to Shanghai Disneyland Park this summer together. 74.Im a fan of Harry potter. 75.I hope so. XI.书面表达(书面表达( 10 分分 ) One possible version: The May Day Holiday is over. What did you do for the holiday? During the holiday, my friend Li Gang volunteered at the old peoples home. He has learned how to look after old people. My friend Sun Ming traveled to Xian. He visited some places of interest and has learned about ancient Chinese culture. What about me? I learned to play football. From the game, Ive learned how to work with others better. 八年级英语听力部分录音稿 1.听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。 1. Where did you go on vacation ? 2. I think Sun Cinema is the best movie theater ? 3. How often do you exercise ? 4. What do you do on weekends
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